E-ISSN 3041-4199

Original Article

Online Publishing Date:
08 / 08 / 2024


Optimizing Phenolic Compounds Extraction of Myrcia spectabilis DC. dried Leaves Using Factorial Design

Jaqueline Oliveira dos Santos, Robson Miranda da Gama, Mara Angelina Galvão Magenta, Marcia Eugenia Del Llano Archondo, Maria Aparecida da Silva Pinhal, José Armando-Junior.

Myrcia spectabilis D.C. is widely distributed in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and is rich in phenolic compounds. In this study, factorial design (DoE) was applied to evaluate and optimize the extraction process (using Minitab software) as total phenols and tannins (by precipitation), flavonoids (using colorimetry) and the antioxidant activity (AA) using the DPPH method. The extraction parameters evaluated were drug/solvent ratio (1:20 and 1:10), ethanol (70% and absolute ethanol), maceration time (6 and 24h), solvent pH (3 and 12), and stirring (statistic or dynamic maceration). The results showed that the best extractive conditions for total phenols, tannins, and flavonoids were using absolute ethanol, drug/solvent ratio (1:20); pH 3.0, stirred for 24 hours. AA showed the same conditions except for the solvent (ethanol 70%). According to the results, it has been concluded that DoE maximizes the amount of information coming from the performed experiments.

Key words: Myrcia spectabilis D.C., Polyphenol compounds, Factorial Design. Antioxidant activity.

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Pubmed Style

Santos JOd, Gama RMd, Magenta MAG, Archondo MEDL, Pinhal MAdS, Armando-Junior J. Optimizing Phenolic Compounds Extraction of Myrcia spectabilis DC. dried Leaves Using Factorial Design. J Biol Res Rev. Online First: 08 Aug, 2024. doi:10.5455/JBRR.20240522074705

Web Style

Santos JOd, Gama RMd, Magenta MAG, Archondo MEDL, Pinhal MAdS, Armando-Junior J. Optimizing Phenolic Compounds Extraction of Myrcia spectabilis DC. dried Leaves Using Factorial Design. https://www.wisdomgale.com/jbrr/?mno=202711 [Access: August 10, 2024]. doi:10.5455/JBRR.20240522074705

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Santos JOd, Gama RMd, Magenta MAG, Archondo MEDL, Pinhal MAdS, Armando-Junior J. Optimizing Phenolic Compounds Extraction of Myrcia spectabilis DC. dried Leaves Using Factorial Design. J Biol Res Rev. Online First: 08 Aug, 2024. doi:10.5455/JBRR.20240522074705

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Santos JOd, Gama RMd, Magenta MAG, Archondo MEDL, Pinhal MAdS, Armando-Junior J. Optimizing Phenolic Compounds Extraction of Myrcia spectabilis DC. dried Leaves Using Factorial Design. J Biol Res Rev, [cited August 10, 2024]; Online First: 08 Aug, 2024. doi:10.5455/JBRR.20240522074705

Harvard Style

Santos, J. O. d., Gama, . R. M. d., Magenta, . M. A. G., Archondo, . M. E. D. L., Pinhal, . M. A. d. S. & Armando-Junior, . J. (0) Optimizing Phenolic Compounds Extraction of Myrcia spectabilis DC. dried Leaves Using Factorial Design. J Biol Res Rev, Online First: 08 Aug, 2024. doi:10.5455/JBRR.20240522074705

Turabian Style

Santos, Jaqueline Oliveira dos, Robson Miranda da Gama, Mara Angelina Galvão Magenta, Marcia Eugenia Del Llano Archondo, Maria Aparecida da Silva Pinhal, and José Armando-Junior. 0. Optimizing Phenolic Compounds Extraction of Myrcia spectabilis DC. dried Leaves Using Factorial Design. Journal of Biological Research and Reviews, Online First: 08 Aug, 2024. doi:10.5455/JBRR.20240522074705

Chicago Style

Santos, Jaqueline Oliveira dos, Robson Miranda da Gama, Mara Angelina Galvão Magenta, Marcia Eugenia Del Llano Archondo, Maria Aparecida da Silva Pinhal, and José Armando-Junior. "Optimizing Phenolic Compounds Extraction of Myrcia spectabilis DC. dried Leaves Using Factorial Design." Journal of Biological Research and Reviews Online First: 08 Aug, 2024. doi:10.5455/JBRR.20240522074705

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Santos, Jaqueline Oliveira dos, Robson Miranda da Gama, Mara Angelina Galvão Magenta, Marcia Eugenia Del Llano Archondo, Maria Aparecida da Silva Pinhal, and José Armando-Junior. "Optimizing Phenolic Compounds Extraction of Myrcia spectabilis DC. dried Leaves Using Factorial Design." Journal of Biological Research and Reviews Online First: 08 Aug, 2024. Web. 10 Aug 2024 doi:10.5455/JBRR.20240522074705

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Santos, J. O. d., Gama, . R. M. d., Magenta, . M. A. G., Archondo, . M. E. D. L., Pinhal, . M. A. d. S. & Armando-Junior, . J. (0) Optimizing Phenolic Compounds Extraction of Myrcia spectabilis DC. dried Leaves Using Factorial Design. Journal of Biological Research and Reviews, Online First: 08 Aug, 2024. doi:10.5455/JBRR.20240522074705