E-ISSN 3041-4180

Research Article
Online Published: 15 Apr 2024

Effects of meliponiculture Tetragonula laeviceps on productivity, physical and chemical characteristics of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum)

Muhamad Aldi Nurdiansyah, Tjokorda Istri Indira, Khairul Hadi Burhan, Rijanti Rahaju Maulani, Aep Supriyadi, Agus Dana Permana, Muhammad Yusuf Abduh.

Tomato plants are widely grown in Indonesia using the open agriculture system. However, the widespread application of pesticides in horticultural farming, such as tomato, has prevented pollinators from visiting flowers, contributing to decreased diversity and population due to climate change and pollen and nectar availability in agroecosystems. This study aimed to determine the effects of pollination by stingless bee (Tetragonula laeviceps) on pollination success, fruit yield, and estimated productivity on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Furthermore, the effects of T. laeviceps as a pollinator was investigated on the physical and chemical characteristics of tomato fruit. This study used two treatments: with and without meliponiculture T. laeviceps. Pollination success and fruit yield increased on with meliponiculture (30.91% and 68.68%, respectively) compared without meliponiculture. The physical (fruit weight, diameter, and mesocarp) and chemical characteristics (moisture content, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, ascorbic acid, and lycopene) of tomato fruit were not affected by T. laeviceps pollination. Meliponiculture T. laeviceps increased pollination success, fruit yield, and estimated productivity but had no effects on the physical and chemical characteristics of tomato fruit. The application of meliponiculture T. laeviceps in tomato plantations proved to be a valuable strategy for increasing productivity.

Key words: lycopene; pollination, productivity; Solanum lycopersicum; Tetragonula laeviceps

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Pubmed Style

Nurdiansyah MA, Indira TI, Burhan KH, Maulani RR, Supriyadi A, Permana AD, Abduh MY. Effects of meliponiculture Tetragonula laeviceps on productivity, physical and chemical characteristics of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum). J Res Agric Food Sci. 2024; 1(1): 14-21. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240217112138

Web Style

Nurdiansyah MA, Indira TI, Burhan KH, Maulani RR, Supriyadi A, Permana AD, Abduh MY. Effects of meliponiculture Tetragonula laeviceps on productivity, physical and chemical characteristics of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum). https://www.wisdomgale.com/jrafs/?mno=191317 [Access: September 01, 2024]. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240217112138

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Nurdiansyah MA, Indira TI, Burhan KH, Maulani RR, Supriyadi A, Permana AD, Abduh MY. Effects of meliponiculture Tetragonula laeviceps on productivity, physical and chemical characteristics of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum). J Res Agric Food Sci. 2024; 1(1): 14-21. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240217112138

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Nurdiansyah MA, Indira TI, Burhan KH, Maulani RR, Supriyadi A, Permana AD, Abduh MY. Effects of meliponiculture Tetragonula laeviceps on productivity, physical and chemical characteristics of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum). J Res Agric Food Sci. (2024), [cited September 01, 2024]; 1(1): 14-21. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240217112138

Harvard Style

Nurdiansyah, M. A., Indira, . T. I., Burhan, . K. H., Maulani, . R. R., Supriyadi, . A., Permana, . A. D. & Abduh, . M. Y. (2024) Effects of meliponiculture Tetragonula laeviceps on productivity, physical and chemical characteristics of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum). J Res Agric Food Sci, 1 (1), 14-21. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240217112138

Turabian Style

Nurdiansyah, Muhamad Aldi, Tjokorda Istri Indira, Khairul Hadi Burhan, Rijanti Rahaju Maulani, Aep Supriyadi, Agus Dana Permana, and Muhammad Yusuf Abduh. 2024. Effects of meliponiculture Tetragonula laeviceps on productivity, physical and chemical characteristics of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum). Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences, 1 (1), 14-21. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240217112138

Chicago Style

Nurdiansyah, Muhamad Aldi, Tjokorda Istri Indira, Khairul Hadi Burhan, Rijanti Rahaju Maulani, Aep Supriyadi, Agus Dana Permana, and Muhammad Yusuf Abduh. "Effects of meliponiculture Tetragonula laeviceps on productivity, physical and chemical characteristics of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum)." Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences 1 (2024), 14-21. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240217112138

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Nurdiansyah, Muhamad Aldi, Tjokorda Istri Indira, Khairul Hadi Burhan, Rijanti Rahaju Maulani, Aep Supriyadi, Agus Dana Permana, and Muhammad Yusuf Abduh. "Effects of meliponiculture Tetragonula laeviceps on productivity, physical and chemical characteristics of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum)." Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences 1.1 (2024), 14-21. Print. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240217112138

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Nurdiansyah, M. A., Indira, . T. I., Burhan, . K. H., Maulani, . R. R., Supriyadi, . A., Permana, . A. D. & Abduh, . M. Y. (2024) Effects of meliponiculture Tetragonula laeviceps on productivity, physical and chemical characteristics of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum). Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences, 1 (1), 14-21. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240217112138