E-ISSN 3041-4180

Research Article
Online Published: 05 Feb 2024

In silico-based Safety Assessment of the EPSPS CP4 single event expressed in genetically modified crops

Abraham Isah, Rose Suniso Gidado, Florence Onyeje Abraham, Bashir Ibrahim, Joy Onwude, Victor Oko.

Genetically modified crops, engineered to express the EPSPS CP4 enzyme for glyphosate herbicide resistance, have become integral to modern agriculture. This study employs an in-silico approach to comprehensively assess the safety of the EPSPS CP4 single event in GM crops, focusing on potential unintended effects at the molecular and systemic levels. Utilizing advanced bioinformatics tools and predictive modelling, we analysed the amino acid sequence of the introduced protein and predict its potential allergenicity, antigenicity, and structural stability. Our findings contribute to the ongoing dialogue on the safety of GM crops by providing a comprehensive in silico evaluation of the EPSPS CP4 single event. The present computational evaluation was carried out employing a sequential decision-making process, as advised by the CAC Guidelines. A total of seven databases were employed as omics tools. NCBI database was utilized to investigate the history of safe use of the transgene. The result from the FASTA 36 search did not meet any of the criteria for cross-reactivity as described by Aalberse. Further investigation using the 80mer, 8 and 6 amino acid exact word match also showed a high level of dissimilarity between the CP4SPSS query sequence and any of the subject toxic or allergenic sequences

Key words: Genetically Modified Crops, In Silico, EPSPS CP4, Bioinformatics

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Pubmed Style

Isah A, Gidado RS, Abraham FO, Ibrahim B, Onwude J, Oko V. In silico-based Safety Assessment of the EPSPS CP4 single event expressed in genetically modified crops. J Res Agric Food Sci. 2024; 1(1): 7-13. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240111100301

Web Style

Isah A, Gidado RS, Abraham FO, Ibrahim B, Onwude J, Oko V. In silico-based Safety Assessment of the EPSPS CP4 single event expressed in genetically modified crops. https://www.wisdomgale.com/jrafs/?mno=184968 [Access: August 31, 2024]. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240111100301

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Isah A, Gidado RS, Abraham FO, Ibrahim B, Onwude J, Oko V. In silico-based Safety Assessment of the EPSPS CP4 single event expressed in genetically modified crops. J Res Agric Food Sci. 2024; 1(1): 7-13. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240111100301

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Isah A, Gidado RS, Abraham FO, Ibrahim B, Onwude J, Oko V. In silico-based Safety Assessment of the EPSPS CP4 single event expressed in genetically modified crops. J Res Agric Food Sci. (2024), [cited August 31, 2024]; 1(1): 7-13. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240111100301

Harvard Style

Isah, A., Gidado, . R. S., Abraham, . F. O., Ibrahim, . B., Onwude, . J. & Oko, . V. (2024) In silico-based Safety Assessment of the EPSPS CP4 single event expressed in genetically modified crops. J Res Agric Food Sci, 1 (1), 7-13. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240111100301

Turabian Style

Isah, Abraham, Rose Suniso Gidado, Florence Onyeje Abraham, Bashir Ibrahim, Joy Onwude, and Victor Oko. 2024. In silico-based Safety Assessment of the EPSPS CP4 single event expressed in genetically modified crops. Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences, 1 (1), 7-13. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240111100301

Chicago Style

Isah, Abraham, Rose Suniso Gidado, Florence Onyeje Abraham, Bashir Ibrahim, Joy Onwude, and Victor Oko. "In silico-based Safety Assessment of the EPSPS CP4 single event expressed in genetically modified crops." Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences 1 (2024), 7-13. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240111100301

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Isah, Abraham, Rose Suniso Gidado, Florence Onyeje Abraham, Bashir Ibrahim, Joy Onwude, and Victor Oko. "In silico-based Safety Assessment of the EPSPS CP4 single event expressed in genetically modified crops." Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences 1.1 (2024), 7-13. Print. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240111100301

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Isah, A., Gidado, . R. S., Abraham, . F. O., Ibrahim, . B., Onwude, . J. & Oko, . V. (2024) In silico-based Safety Assessment of the EPSPS CP4 single event expressed in genetically modified crops. Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences, 1 (1), 7-13. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240111100301