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  Recent Articles

Open AccessResearch Article


by Dawn Ify Agwaranze, Uchechukwu Praise Gabriel, Njideka Frances Ukeachu,

Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences. 2024; 1 (3): 115-120 - https://dx.doi.org/10.5455/JRAFS.20240624084353

ABSTRACT: Pond water or water used in intensive fish rearing contain many microorganisms which could be pathogenic or opportunistic pathogens to fish, human, and planktons. This study aimed at analyzing the microbiological quality of some selected fish ponds in Wukari Metropolis. A total of six (6) samples were collected from two fish farms in Wukari Metropolis, which are Federal University Fish Farm and Clear Wave Fish Farm, three (3) samples were collected from each fish pond respectively, for the determination of microbial load using standard microbiological techniques. The results obtained from [...]   Read more

Open AccessResearch Article

Study the Effect of Thermal Spraying With Various Ceramic Powders on The Sliding Wear of Steel Alloy( AISI1020 )

by Edrees E. Edaan, Saad Gh. Rifai,

Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews. 2024; 1 (1): 51-59 - https://dx.doi.org/10.5455/JERR.20240610110224

ABSTRACT: Aim of the study: This research studied the sliding wear resistance of the alloy (AISI 1020) after coating it with a thermal spraying process (NiAlCrSi) as a high-temperature binder, in addition to coating it with a thermal barrier consisting of aluminum oxide and magnesium oxide (Al2O3+MgO). With different weight concentrations of coating powders at the same temperature. With fixed time periods for both coatings. And make a comparison of the wear between the uncoated alloy and the coated alloy. Methods: A spray welding torch model (QH-2/H) was used to obtain ceramic [...]   Read more

Open AccessOriginal Article

Connecting communities: Enhancing broadband access in rural Tanzania through small cell deployment

by Pascal Yamakili, Mrindoko Rashid Nicholaus

Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews. 2024; 1 (1): 41-50 - https://dx.doi.org/10.5455/JERR.20240620043554

ABSTRACT: Aim: The aim of this study is to explore potential performance enhancement to a network infrastructure comprising with Macro-cells only by introducing and deploying cost-effective and adaptable small-cell backhaul connections. For the marginalized rural areas and terrain-varied areas, the aim is to explore how small-cell deployment can bridge this gap and improve connectivity for underserved communities. Methods: A framework is designed by leveraging LTE-Advanced features and integrating Macro cells and small cells in the WinProp tool for wireless propagation and radio network planning. This proposed methodology is analysed through system simulations [...]   Read more

Open AccessOriginal Research

Comparative evaluation of maximal mouth opening and its duration among children with and without poliomyelitis: a cross sectional, observational study

by Aishwarya Kambalyal, Dinesh Rao, Sunil Panwar,

European Journal of Dental Research. 2024; 1 (2): 31-35 - https://dx.doi.org/10.5455/EJDR.20240813044856

ABSTRACT: Title: Comparative evaluation of maximal mouth opening and its duration among children with and without poliomyelitis: a cross sectional, observational study Aim: To evaluate and compare the maximal mouth opening (MMO) and its duration among children with and without poliomyelitis aged 7-12 years. Methods: 40 children, each with and without poliomyelitis, were selected for the study, respectively. Their mouth opening was measured using a divider and a metallic scale. Three readings of each child were taken to obtain an accurate value and rule out any measuring error. Then, the duration of how [...]   Read more

Open AccessOriginal Article

Estimating Pollution Indices of Selected Metals in The Soils of Abuja Metropolis, Nigeria

by Rabiu Ibrahim, Mary S. Dauda, Noela C. Igwemmar, Rasaq B. Salau, Bala Abdu

European Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews. 2024; 1 (3): 148-159 - https://dx.doi.org/10.5455/EJSRR.20240714075837

ABSTRACT: Aim: This paper deals with the estimation of pollution indices of metals in the soils of Abuja metropolis and the soils were taken from residential, industrial, motor parks, near mechanic and urban forest areas within the metropolis. Methods: Sequential extraction technique using Flame atomic absorption spectrometer was used to generate data which was used eventually to estimate mobility and contamination factors and also pollution load index of metals under study.. Results: Findings revealed metals above limits and therefore hazardous to humans and environment in the mobility factors and were found [...]   Read more

Open AccessMini Review

Engineering Challenges and Opportunities in the Object 490 and 490A Tank Prototypes

by Mostafa Essam Eissa

Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews. 2024; 1 (1): 32-40 - https://dx.doi.org/10.5455/JERR.20240806044827

ABSTRACT: The Object 490 was a Soviet tank design project of the 1980s that produced two prototypes: the conventional Object 490 with a unique dual-track system, and the radical Object 490A featuring an externally mounted main gun and an unmanned turret. Both incorporated advanced features like automated fire control and composite armor. Despite its innovative approach, the project was abandoned due to insurmountable technical challenges, particularly in integrating the unmanned turret and complex fire control systems. This paper explores the Object 490 project, analyzing its design features, potential advantages, and the [...]   Read more

Open AccessOriginal Article

Production and quality control of chitin and chitosan from shrimp (Farfantepenaeus notialis) shells obtained from Hendijan, Iran by sequence process

by Ali Aberoumand, Fateme Muolenejad

Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences. 2024; 1 (3): 108-114 - https://dx.doi.org/10.5455/JRAFS.20240417044015

ABSTRACT: Aim: The study aims to evaluate and quality control chitin and chitosan of Rubian pink shrimp (F. notialis) shell in Iran. Methods: The solubility, moisture content, and degree of deacetylation (DD), pH, yield %, moisture and ash of chitosan were examined. The results showed that 3% HCI and 4% sodium hydroxide were suitable concentration for demineralization and deproteinization, respectively at ambient temperature (20±2 oC). Results: The study's outcome is expected yield%, moisture content and DD% of chitosan and chitin was 30.85% and40% 3.33% and 6.33% and 47% and 45% respectively. [...]   Read more

Open AccessResearch Article

Prevalence and Seasonal Patterns of Foot Affection in Cattle in Khulna District of Bangladesh.

by Md. Abdur Rahim, Kazi Abdus Sobur,

Journal of Research in Veterinary Sciences. 2024; 3 (4): 140-147 - https://dx.doi.org/10.5455/JRVS.20240717031613

ABSTRACT: Aim and Background: Foot diseases pose a significant challenge to cattle health and productivity globally, including in Bangladesh where they impose substantial economic burdens. This study aimed to comprehensively assess the prevalence and seasonal patterns of foot diseases among cattle in Khulna district. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted on data collected from April 2022 to March 2023 from ten Upazila Veterinary Hospitals in the Khulna district. A total of 11,354 cases of foot diseases in cattle were examined to determine their prevalence and distribution. Statistical analyses were performed to explore [...]   Read more

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Renal sinus lipomatosis: a case report and review of the literature

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American Journal of Diagnostic Imaging. 2024; 10 (3): 74-76

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Vulvovaginal candidiasis in patients attending the Buea Regional Hospital-Cameroon: Prevalence and risk factors

by Damian Nsongmayi Ekwi, Fabrice Ngwa Ambe

Journal of Public Health and Community Medicine. 2023; 1 (1): 13-20

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Physicochemical properties and Lipid profile of Jyotishmati (Celastrus Paniculatus)

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Journal of Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Research. 2023; 1 (1): 1-8

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Pattern of ABO and Rhesus Blood Group Distribution among Second Year Medical Students of Arsi University, Southeast Ethiopia

by Leta Melaku, Dr Bedasa Elias

Journal of Public Health and Community Medicine. 2023; 1 (1): 1-12

Original Article

Production and quality control of chitin and chitosan from shrimp (Farfantepenaeus notialis) shells obtained from Hendijan, Iran by sequence process

by Ali Aberoumand, Fateme Muolenejad

Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences. 2024; 1 (3): 108-114

Original Article


by Rajesh Ghosh, Nilu Malpani Dhoot, Usha Goenka, Srijita Ghosh, Somali Ghosh

American Journal of Diagnostic Imaging. 2022; 8 (1): 27-33